Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Monday, 30 July 2012

30 July 2012 - Photoshop Filters

Crosshatch, difuse glow, trace contour

Crosshatch, accented edges

Crosshatch, cutout

Trace contour.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

29 July 2012 - Lucia's Parsnip Soup & Paprika Stencil

Parsnip, Pear, Pancetta & Orange Soup
made by the fabulous people at Lucia's
in Adelaide Central Market.

I created this sun with a very light dusting of sweet paprika
through a paper stencil.

My dad made the lovely soup bowl with quandong decoration.

Friday, 27 July 2012

27 July 2012 - Creamy Chai Spiced Shrikhand

Based on a lovely recipe "Creamy Chai Spiced Shrikhand"
from Preena Chauhan's fabulous blog "A Teaspoon of Tumeric"

The bowl is one of my Dad's creations, made about 15 years ago.

I didn't have the ingredients as per her recipe so I used: -
125grams Greek Yoghurt
1/4 teaspoon Leatherwood Honey (it's quite strongly flavoured honey)
Cinnamon (ground) a couple of good shakes
Ginger (dried ground) a couple of good shakes
Cardamom (ground) a small shake
Nutmeg (ground) a small shake
Saffron 3 strands
Stired them up together, tasted, added a little more cardamom
8 Pistachios (chopped)
6 Raw Almonds (sliced)

You can find Preena's recipe here: -


Wednesday, 25 July 2012

25 July 2012 - Crochet over bangle (and Painter)

The background for this was made in Painter
with watercolour, salt and sponge brushes.

8ply acrylic yarn with 4mm hook,
crocheted over a $2.50 wooden bangle

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

24 July 2012 - Tub of Balm

Used Painter's Magic Wand tool to delete all of the shadows
from the background.

Monday, 23 July 2012

23 July 2012 - Name (inspired by Lauren)

I created my name today in sun-icon letters in ArtRage
inspired by Lauren Unger's 365 project
where she very creatively writes her name every day

Thursday, 19 July 2012

19 July 2012 - Painter (Furry Brush)

No furry animals were harmed in the creation of these digital paintings.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

18 July 2012 - Hexaflexagon Video

(This video doesn't have sound)

Draw your strip of 9 triangles (with 6o degree corners).

Cut out the strip of 9 triangles
and then fold backwards and forwards
along each of the lines
(so they can bend either way easily).

Then fold up to make the hexagon (as in the video).

Tape the open top edge.

Draw on your designs, turning your hexagon inside-out
to get to the third side (as in the video)

Monday, 16 July 2012

16 July 2012 - Painter (Gradients & Marbling)

My parents went through a phase of marbling on silk,
I think it was a 1970's thing, though maybe early 1980s?
I remember lots of messing about with trays
and oily paints floating on water (or gel?) and skewers
for trailing through the paint to create the patterns.
I wasn't very good at it but Mum & Dad were.

This was easy and quick in  Corel's free trial of Painter
but the original file's  pretty big, 11.8MB,
the computer did all the hard work!

Sunday, 15 July 2012

15 July 2012 - Painter (Watercolour)

Only 15 days left on the free trial of Painter
"Time flies when you're having fun."

Thanks Liz, Helen, Denise & Claudia for your company
at the Art Gallery cafe knit & crochet together this afternoon.
Helen, Denise & Claudia keep chooks.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

14 July 2012 - Bead Weaving (again)

This time with smaller beads
- a mistake because it's so much more difficult
to thread the cotton through the tiny eye
of the ultra-skinny needle.

Bigger beads next time!

Friday, 13 July 2012

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Monday, 9 July 2012

9 July 2012 - Comic Strip - A Tale of Wet Washing

For over two years Anthony Gifford has created a small comic every day
based on real life events of himself and his friends

Here's a mid-winter tale from my washing-line in comic strip form

Sunday, 8 July 2012

8 July 2012 - Bead Weaving

Bead looms were on sale for only $10 at "Voila! Beads in the City" on Rundle Street.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

7 July 2012 - Native Flora

We had a beautiful sunny light-breezy mid-winter day today!

After brunch with friends I headed to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens
to photograph some native flowers - inspired by Jill's great photos
on her Flora Per Diem 365 project

Swainsona formosa
Sturt Desert Pea

 Eremophila maculata
Native Fuchsia

Eucalyptus socialis
Red Mallee Gum

Dodonea stenozyga
Hop Bush

Another Eremophilla maybe? (no name by this one)


An interesting shadow cast by

the drink fountain.

Bonus - on the way home I passed the Festival Centre
with Xanthorrhoea (grass trees) in the forecourt